Have you ever found yourself wondering what’s on Tammy’s Table?
This is how I like to start my morning.
Starting with a green drink, helps me to get needed fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
Eating enough fiber can encourage healthy bowel movements and help to eliminate waste from the body. Not to mention fiber helps keep the critters in your gut healthy.
- 1 Apple, cored and cubes
- 1 entire Lemon, cubed. [Lemon peels have lots of calcium and Vitamin C]
- 2 Persian Cucumbers
- 2 Stalks of Celery
- 2-3 large handfuls of Dark Leafy Greens
- H20 – Adjust the water to your desired consistency

- I like to blend everything but the greens first with a bit of water until it is relatively smooth. Then add the greens. I find it blends much more thoroughly this way. I serve mine over ice because I like it cold.

Categories: Tammy's Table